7 Java Frameworks you should learn in 2020

Having good knowledge of various frameworks is very crucial. They allow you to quickly develop both prototypes and projects. It also helps you to get a better job and take your career to the next level. 

In this article, I will share some of the frameworks that developers can learn. The framework is not just for Java developers but for any programmer. They are in good demand, and learning them not only improves your chances of getting a better job but also opens new doors of opportunities

1. Vue.js

Today, Vue.js is one of the most popular JavaScript-based Web frameworks. One of the key design goals of Evan You was to lower the barrier into JavaScript-based front-end development. Vue.js is one of the easiest Front-end frameworks where developers can write SPA applications with minor effort.

Developers can use Vue.js as an End-to-End framework with Routing, State management like Angular, or as only a view layer like React. It also offers Angular like two-way data-binding with additional Reactivity and React like rendering using Virtual DOM.


5 Key Features:

  • Vue.js offers progressive app development and best in the class documentation. If you have a large legacy JavaScript code-base, then you can progressively modernize your code-base with Vue.js.

  • Vue.js works both as an opinionated end-to-end framework and a View layer with state management.

  • It offers reactive two-way data binding (like Angular) and Virtual DOM, Event Sourcing (like React).

  • Vue.js has equal support for JavaScript and TypeScript.

  • Vue.js is going through a major overhaul and improvement in the upcoming Vue.js 3.0.


  • Vue.js ranked 7th among all Web Frameworks according to the StackOverflow Developer survey 2019. Also, StackOverflow developer survey 2019 has ranked Vue.js as the second most loved Web framework,

  • Likewise Vue offers high flexibility – not only can it function as an end-to-end full-fledged framework like Angular but also a view layer with state management like React. Thus, the principle key advantage of Vue is its simpler, uncomplicated, unrestrictive and progressive nature that adapts to developer’s needs. Vue has witnessed a massive explosion in its popularity over the last 2 years, dethroning Angular as the main rival to challenge the dominance of React as the best front end JavaScript framework. One of the world’s largest companies like Adobe, Apple, BMW, Louis Vuitton, Nintendo are using Vue.“The State of JavaScript” survey has placed Vue.js in the second spot in terms of interest,

2. Angular

In AngularJS, Google had created one of the earliest hot JavaScript-based Front-end frameworks in 2010. But once Facebook released React, it exposed the design flaws of AngularJS, and it quickly became an outdated framework. As a result, the Google team has created an entirely new SPA framework and released it as Angular in 2016. Although Angular and AngularJS have similar names, in reality, they are two different frameworks. Unlike React, it is an end-to-end Framework with “Out-of-the-box” support of everything one needs to develop an Enterprise-grade Web App. Also, Angular is the first significant framework that has embraced TypeScript and played a considerable role in making TypeScript popular.

Today, Angular is lagging React, Vue.js, or Svelte in terms of hype and interest. But it is a proven and reliable Enterprise Grade framework that will be in the community for years to come.


5 Key Features:

  • Angular.js is an end-to-end framework with “out of the box” support to develop Enterprise Application. In Angular CLI, it has one of the best Command-Line Tool in the JavaScript landscape.

  • With TypeScript and separating the template from styling and business logic, it is especially suited for the enterprise-grade large code-base.

  • It is inherently the most secure Front-end framework with built-in features like DOM sanitization.

  • Although Google is not backing Angular the same way as Facebook is backing React, it is still putting enough resources so that Angular remains an attractive and innovative framework. Recently it has added Lazy Loading, Differential loading to improve loading time of modules.

  • In Angular 9, it releases a new rendering Engine Ivy to improve startup time, response time, and to reduce bundle size.


  • If we consider GitHub stars, then it is the 4th most popular JavaScript framework as shown below,

  • StackOverflow Developer Survey 2019 ranked Angular in the 3rd position among all Web Frameworks.

5 Key Features of Spring Boot:


According to “The State of JavaScript” survey 2019, Angular ranked the second spot in terms of awareness,


3. Ember.js

The 4th place in our list of best JavaScript framework of 2020 in the front-end category goes to Ember.js. Ember.js is an opinionated open-source JavaScript framework used to create scalable enterprise-scale single page web applications. It is based on the Model-View-ViewModel (MVVW) architecture pattern.

Inspired by the Ruby on Rails principle “Convention over Configuration,” Yehuda Katz from Apple has created Ember.js as a highly opinionated, end-to-end framework in 2012. Ember.js is a strictly backward compatible framework introducing no significant breaking changes since its inception. Where other frameworks from that era (Backbone.js, AngularJS) are diminishing in popularity, Ember.js is still giving a reliable, productive framework to fulfill the need of modern Front-end development.

5 Key Features:

  • End-to-end opinionated cohesive framework focusing on “Convention over Configuration.”

  • Instead of one Tech giant, Ember is backed by several Tech Giant like LinkedIn, Yahoo. As a result, it is not driven by one corporation’s needs.

  • Ember’s Data library is the best to access data across multiple sources at once, set up asynchronous relationships.

  • In Ember CLI, it has the best CLI among all JavaScript frameworks, which helps to scaffold and generating all the necessary codes with the right structure, including all dependencies.

  • In its latest release Ember Octane, it has introduced HTML first and component first approach with improved support for state management and reactivity.


Ember is ranked at number 6 in the front end JavaScript framework category in the State Of JS 2019 survey. It has slipped one place compared to last year after being edged out by newcomer Svelte.


  • Ember.js is the 10th most starred GitHub project among the JavaScript framework,


According to “The State of JavaScript” survey, Ember.js ranked 4th in terms of awareness,


4. React

React is another JavaScript library or framework for building user interfaces. It's like Angular but maintained by Facebook, Instagram, and a community of individual developers and corporations. It allows web developers to create large web-applications that can change over time without reloading the page. It also introduced many other concepts like functional, declarative programming, immutable state, which was uncommon in Front-end development. The other breakthrough of React was to introduce the Virtual DOM, which gives better user experience and performance gain.

The web development world is divided between Angular and React, and it's up to you what you choose. Most of the time, its dictated by circumstances; for example, if you are working in a React based project, then obviously you need to learn React.
If you decided to learn React in 2020, then React.js: Getting Started course from Pluralsight is a good starting point.

Today, React is by far the most dominant Web frameworks with no sign of slipping up soon.

5 Key Features:

  • React is one of the most unopinionated frameworks where React-Core is just a Component-based library for the View layer.

  • React has the slogan: “Learn Once, Write Anywhere.” Software Engineers can use React to develop Web (React), Mobile App (React Native), Desktop App (Electron), and Back-end Development (with Node.js).

  • React offers the best in class Server-Side Rendering (SSR) with excellent SEO support.

  • The Tech Giant Facebook’s need drives React development. The upside is that React features are battle-tested by the 2.6 billion Facebook users.

  • React is continuously improving itself and recently introduced React-Fiber (better Concurrency), React hook (less boilerplate code), Suspense (better rendering).


React is by far the most downloaded Front-end JavaScript frameworks. Also, NPM trends from the last five years shows that React is the clear winner among the Front-end frameworks with a massive lead over other frameworks.

It is the second most starred JavaScript frameworks in GitHub with the second-highest number of Contributors


It was also the most loved front-end framework in 2019:


5. Node.js

There is no doubt that JavaScript is the #1 programming language, and Node.js has a big part to play on that. Traditionally JavaScript is used as client-side scripting language where it is used with HTML to provide dynamic behavior on the client-side. It runs on the web browser, but Node.js allows you to run JavaScript on the server-side. Tye Node.js is an open-source, cross-platform JavaScript run-time environment for executing JavaScript code server-side. You can use Node.js to create dynamic web pages on the server-side before you send them to the client.

Today, Node.js is not a framework rather than an entire Eco-system of Server-Side JavaScript development. With many innovations (like NPM, Module Systems), Node.js is one of the primary driving force to improve JavaScript as a programming language and to increase the popularity of JavaScript.

5 Key Features:

  • Node.js is an asynchronous, event-Driven JavaScript framework to build scalable network applications.

  • Node.js is a cross-platform and took Java’s “write once, run everywhere” to the next level. It runs on Windows, Linux, macOS, iOS, Android, and many other platforms.

  • With its relatively smaller size and faster startup, Node.js heavily used in Serverless computing.

  • Run by the OpenJS Foundation, Node.js is an open-source framework and not controlled by one tech corporation. Today, almost all tech giants (IBM, Microsoft, Netflix) use and support Node.js.

  • It supports JavaScript natively and all other “Compile to JS” languages like TypeScript, CoffeeScript, Dart. Node.js also supports the next enormous thing of the Web: WebAssembly.


Although Node.js is the third most starred JavaScript project, it has the highest number of contributors in GitHub

Also, Stack Overflow Developer Survey 2019 has placed Node.js as the 6th most loved framework,


This means you can develop a front to back, client-server application in JavaScript. The Complete Node.js Developer Courses on Udemy are recommend.

6. Bootstrap

This is another popular open-source, front-end web framework for designing websites and web applications. Initially brought to us by Twitter. Bootstrap provides s HTML- and CSS-based design templates for typography, forms, buttons, navigation, and other interface components, as well as optional JavaScript extensions.

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Bootstrap supports responsive web design, which means the layout of web pages adjusts dynamically depending upon the browser's screen size. In the world of mobile, BootStrap is leading the way with its mobile-first design philosophy, emphasizing on a responsive design by default.
If you are a web developer and don't know BootStrap, 2020 is the right time for stars with it. The BootStrap 4 From Scratch is a good starting point for your BootStrap journey in 2020.

7. jQuery

This is another JavaScript framework that rules the world. jQuery is my favorite for a long time, and I advise every developer to learn jQuery. It makes client-side scripting really easy. You can do animation, send HTTP requests, reload pages, and perform client-side validation by writing just a couple of lines of code.

If you decide to learn jQuery in 2020, then I suggest you take a look at jQuery master class, a free online course from Udemy for learning jQuery.

That's all about what to learn in 2020. These frameworks are in high demand, particularly, Spring, Node.js, and Angular. Learning these frameworks will not only improve your chances of getting a job but also opens many doors of opportunities. Even if you are settled down in your job, keeping yourself up-to-date with the latest and greatest technology is essential for your career growth. So, I suggest you pick a couple of these frameworks and learn them in 2020. If you are a Java developer, then Apache Spark is the right choice.