Coworking spaces in Vietnam increase by 62%: We understand why

The term ‘coworking space’ came into existence in 2005, however in Asia and specifically Vietnam the craze is only catching on in the last 5 years. In fact in Vietnam in the past 5 years coworking spaces have experienced a year-on-year growth of 55% and in the past year even reaching 62%. We definitely can understand what is driving this growth and are big fans of coworking spaces ourselves. In addition to offering flexibility to tenants, we see a lot of advantages for freelancers, startups and small businesses. Continue to read why below.

We have chosen iTechBlack as our coworking space in HCMC as they align well with what is important to us: Focused on the IT community, modern centrally-located building, beautiful and comfortable working spaces, convenient facilities (incl. self-serve canteen and full-service bar) and growth-oriented through their Accelerator programs and (networking) events.

Social Network

The term ‘coworking’ already suggests a 'togetherness' and that is definitely one of the advantages. Freelancing, founding a company or working for a small business can be quite lonely. Working in a space with similar and like-minded people can not only provide a great social gathering, but also a support network to help you get through challenges.


Inspiring Environment

Every coworking space has it's own identity and it is important to find one that matches with your own values and culture. One thing almost all coworking spaces have in common is they provide an inspiring environment to work in. Whether you like a sleek modern decor or a warm and homey place, if you find the right for you, it will enhance your work pleasure and productivity.


Facilities and Events

In addition to having a desk (or office), coworking spaces usually offer a variety of additional services. Consider mailing services, virtual office address, meeting rooms to meet clients, Video Conferencing facilities, personal administrative support and consulting services among others. What they're also good at is hosting events, either free or at discount to members. This is a great way to stay up to date, learn new skills and network.


Flexibility to Scale

Coworking spaces offer various packages to match their tenants requirements. These range from flexible (part-time) hot desks to full private offices and everything inbetween. Given the majority of contracts can be changed or terminated on a months notice, they provide freelancers and startups with the flexibility to scale up or down as required over time.

Support to Grow

Increasingly coworking space are acting as startup accelerators. Being at the heart of a startup ecosystem, we believe that coworking spaces have a great opportunity to bring investors, business partners, startups and potential employees together. In some cases this happens in an informal way through hosting of events. However, we are increasingly seeing more formal programs for example WeWork Labs and iTechBlack Coworking Incubator that support startups along their journey.


If you’re interested to figure out more of the coworking options in Vietnam, check out the link below which provides a breadth of providers mainly in HCMC and Hanoi, ranging from small and unique (we love START Coworking!) to large and highly professionalized (WeWork) and anything in between to fit your needs.

Colibri helps Vietnam Tech talent to grow by Connecting them with leading Singapore Tech startups, enabling remote Collaboration and focusing on Codevelopment of professional and personal skills and capabilities.